Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Man Utd - how YOU can make a difference...

These are worrying times in the red part of Manchester. If it was just their form, i wouldn't be losing sleep. (They can't win all time, can they now?)...But seriously, i can foresee a Leeds happening here. I am the perennial optimist, but signs are not looking good. They have a huge debt of over 500m pounds, which requires around 40 odd million to be serviced as interest. Utd have announced a profit of 48.2m pound sterling, but this does not tell the true picture. Had it not been for the sale of CR 7 (which raked in a juicy 80m Pounds), Utd would have actually recorded a loss. Shocking!!..absolutely. Utd is probably the richest and the biggest club in the world, with an estimated fan base of around 320 m around the world (as per Wiki estimates). Though i would put this figure at a more generous 'half a billion' heads around the world.
Possible solutions??..the easiest possiblity would be that you get one of those 'i have all the oil in the world' Sheikh's to buy out the club and write the debt off and convert it into equity. Everybody's happy and we all go home. Another alternate theory is that, 'WE', as fans, start some kind of a movement, wherein we all can look at a possibility of contributing a bit from our own hard-earned money and save our beloved club. Wait. Hang on..before you start saying that Why the F should we contribute?..You know what, even a dollar from your pocket might be enough. Yes, you heard it right. A simple dollar. Considering that there are around those many fans across the globe (320-500 m), we can easily raise that figure in dollar/pound millions.
The amount raised can be used to service that debt, and, re-invest in the club. The action needs to be swift my fellow red devils, else we will become a feeder club for Real Madrid. Rooney and Co might be sold. Lets prevent another Leeds from happening here.

The blue part of Manchester might end up having the last laugh, after all.