Friday, July 25, 2008

I Phone..and tips to increase its battery life!!

The most famous word in the past year or so..rings bells into lots of lives (literally). Am amazed at how Steve Jobs and his 'apples' can come up with fantastic state-of-the-art easy to use products, which do and have revolutionized our technological lives.
I am not licking his backside, believe me. But am in awe of the sheer creative/marketing genius of the man.
I've been using the I-phone and the macbook for quite some time now. Its never been a problem. Though i wish the battery would last longer in the I-Phone.
Tips on how to save the battery:
1. Keep wi-fi, bluetooth, e-mail disabled when not in use.
2. Lower down the brightness to about 25% (yea there's no percentage, u'll just to have to guess it urself)
3. Download an application called 'services' from the installer. Install it and then turn 'SSH' to off. Works pretty well.
4. Turn the I-pod feature off when not listening to any songs. (always use the back arrow when u finish listening to songs)
5. Don't talk too much on the phone. (kidding)
Hopefully Jobs, as promised, has improved the battery life of the I-phone 3G. It would cover that 'chink' in the I-phones armor.
I might sound like someone whose pretty happy with the I-phone and apple products in general, but yea, i your hearts out.

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