Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Gold.....India's Quest!

Finally..we've(Indians) have managed to win an individual Olympic Gold the games' 112 year history. Its amazing how this is the bloody first time we've ever achieved this feat. Here i am, in my earlier post, talking about Michael Phelps 8 Gold haul at one Olympic Games, and on the other side, we as a nation are basking in the glory of one, yea one Olympic Gold medal. Please do not get me wrong here. Am not, even for a moment, discounting the feat achieved by Abhinav Bindra. Hats off to him, he has done all of us proud.

My issue here is not with the fact that winning an Olympic Gold is not a mean feat, believe me it surely is. My question here is that where the hell is the infrastructure for aspiring sportspersons in our country? Why can't we encourage sport? Whats the deal with that? It really is F***ing frustrating that the country's administrators never wanna do any good for the country. Isn't that their job?.
Look at Great Britain (I never imagined i would be citing their example).They've been pumping a lot of money since the past 3-4 years, and the results are showing. They're sitting pretty at the number 3 slot in the overall medal tally. Ok, you might argue that Britain has always had better olympic pedigree than India. Agreed, but they've never been this successful. A few days back, i heard one of the correspondents on ESPN's sportcenter saying that all of Britain's success has come sitting down, in events like cycling and rowing. But ateast they've not been sitting on their backsides, like our administrators have been. They've delivered results.
The Chinese too, have come leaps and bounds in past 12-15 years. Their government has encouraged sport. They pick up athletes when they are young, and pay for their training/development. No wonder they've had athletes in every event and every discipline at the Beijing Games. In India, its pretty much the opposite. Abhinav Bindra success story is pretty much self made. He could train coz he could afford it. He has his own indoor shooting range. He did most of his training in germany as the government regulations in India did not allow him to import even 5 % of the ammunition required for an athlete to train and compete at an international level. How stupid is that? What i've realised is that administrators in our country try to make everything really uncomfortable for you and mind you, this not limited to just sport. (Harwant Kaur, an ace discus thrower, who qualified for the Beijing Games, has threatened to migrate to Australia as she has had no support from the administration).

Let's face it, we are a mediocre sporting nation and there is no way we can even dream of pitting ourselves against the mighty Chinese. They've delivered, not only in organising probably the best Olympic games, but also have topped the medal charts (looks highly unlikely anyone pipping them with 3 days left).

In two years' time, New Delhi will play host to the next edition of the Commonwealth Games. Will India be able to play a good host? It will be a major embarassment if these games turn out to be a failure. Not only organising them will be a major issue with the countless operational problems prevalent in our country, but are we expecting to finish the games with 2-3 medals? Put in some money people, protect our athletes....give them the support they need.

The only saving grace...the path to redemption can be...putting money where your mouth is...



Parul said...

I read Chetan Bhagat's 'Three Mistakes of My Life' and man, was it an eye opener on all levels. The support given to the players in Australia is just so amazing.

I do share everybodys sense of frustration with the way the babus handle sports in the country. But tell me something, as earning citizens proud of their country and its potential, can't we at an individual level make a difference? Sponsor a player? Buy her/him a pair of shoes, a racket, membership to a club where they can practice? Is that so unrealistic? Do something along the lines of CRY (if it doesn't exist so far)

Meenakshi Chauhan said...

the rate at which the organisers are going we may not even be hosting the common wealth games!!!