Wednesday, August 6, 2008

'Viral' Marketing

The 'new' generation of marketing technique(s); with the onset of the internet and other communication mediums', 'viral' marketing has become really popular; to create that brand awareness, go that extra bit. It uses social networks, which are probably already in place to increase brand awareness of a particular product or service. It could be through e-mail, blogs, social networking sites etc, and also does really well through word-of-mouth.

Viral marketing relies on the same principle as a virus does: to spread. And when it does start spreading, it can take the form of an epidemic. Do you remember those never ending chain mails (Oh lord behold- send this to 10 people in the next one hour or you'll have bad luck for the rest of your life..aarghhh). But they did get passed on (by those who didn't want bad luck). Thats Viral Marketing, thats spreading the message. Though am not saying that we should use 'bad luck for the rest of you life' themes. I think, if used properly, its a very powerful tool simply because if i like a viral marketing campaign, i'll definitely pass it onto others, and so on. The keyword here is 'voluntarily'. Ofcourse, lets not forget the cost benefit as well. I think majority of the cost involved is the time you spend on creating a theme, and then jazz it up with flash, advergames, and other cool stuff. So its a relatively inexpensive way to create a brand awareness amongst potential customers.

Infact, its just hit me that a lot of peer pressure is involved in viral marketing. Lets look at these social networking sites. How do they attract their user base? Simple- i join in, tell my friends to be there (my friend list grows as well). The same applies to Instant messenger's (IM's) as well. I learn about this cool messaging service, and then try it out. The next step- I am going to need friends/contacts to talk to, inorder to use the messenger. So who do talk to about it- my friends/contacts. And here goes the Virus.
Hang on... its very important that i liked the messenger; based on the principle that if you like something, you on a average will tell 3 people about it and when you DON'T, the bad news goes to eleven people. (not so smart now huh?)

Some of the viral marketing campaigns i've seen have had 'bollywood' themes attached to them. Though mind you, the creators have done a fabulous job. The script might be adapted, but the tweaking is stuff of geniuses. I've been especially impressed with a few: Airtel's KBC, Orbit's take on 'Sholay' and Make My Trip's DDLJ adaptation. ( I think the agency behind these campaigns is Webchutney) I found the Links to two of them. Must check it out. (These one's are native to India, and are in Hindi)

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